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2008 50% possible het granite Irian Jaya (West Paupan) Carpet Python hatchlings
    These poss het irians are ready to go.  They have all shed once and fed a few times.  This is from the same pair that produced a clutch last year.  The granite mutation is a heterozygous trait and breeding a heterozygous male (like Kip) to a normal female (like Ariel) will result in half hets and half normals.  So, these babies may carry the granite gene, but there is no marker (as far as we know) for this trait, so you have to breed a possible het to a granite or het for granite to see if they are hets.  You can also breed to possible hets together and if you get granites, then you no longer have possible hets, but you will have a het pair and a granite for not much money. 
    We kept back all of the females from last year to try and prove them out with our het granite male, Kip.  Next to the pictures of the pair that produced this clutch is a picture of one of last years holdbacks, so you can see these babies turn out to be nice irian jayas even if they don't prove out as hets.  There haven't been too many granites produced thus far, so it is a good time to get in on a granite project.  This is a nice way to get into a granite project for not a lot of money. 
Lone females: $550; Lone males: $250; Pairs: $700.  Inquire about quantity discounts.
Prices do not include shipping.
Kip IJ female PH granite female 07
Kip, our 100% het granite male and sire to the clutch
Ariel, our interestingly patterned female
Female from '07 that was produced by this pair

Kip KXA08-1 F
This girl has a bit of attitude, but she is a great feeder and a great looker.
SOLD, Thanks Jeremy
KXA08-2 F
Gotta love that red!  Should be very nice.
IJ KXA08-3 F
This female has a nice bold contrasting pattern with a crazy pattern.
SOLD, Thanks Phil
KXA08-4 F
This girl is feeding well and is ready to join your granite project.
KXA08-5 F
I love the high amount of white on this girls tail.  She should turn out very nice!
KXA08-6 F
This girl is taking down the mouse fuzzies!  They grow up quick.
KXA08-7 F
Nice stripe on this girl.  Might make for an interesting granite (if she's a het).
KXA08-8 M
One of the few males produced this year.
IJ KXA08-9 M
This guy has great color and may have some great genetics to boot.
IJ KXA08-10 M
Another male with a great pattern and amazing coloration.  He shouldn't last long.
SOLD, Thanks Phil