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What's new?
10/19/07: I will throw a quick update up to let you know some of the new updates to the site.  We have been busy getting ourselves registered as a business, and we are now Australian Addiction Reptiles, LLC.  Same great breeders, cool new acronym at the end of the business name.  I have updated the available pages and put up a link to our '07 jungle availability.  They should go fast as one of our signature species, so contact Ben or myself (Justin) if you are interested.  There are a couple jaguars left, but we have sold most of them.  There are two lonely '07 male childrens pythons left, so if you need a nice red childrens, one of these guys should make a great addition.  We have also added a few new ball morphs as well.  It is getting cold very quickly, so act fast so we can get them shipped out to you before the cold Cache Valley winter makes it's appearance (that always happens so quickly).  After about the middle of November, when it starts getting really cold, we will shut down shipping and watch all our hatchlings grow up and put on their adult colors.  That is, in my opinion, one of the best parts of the hobby.  Carpets start out as ugly ducklings, and I feel a bit robbed not being able to watch them all get their colors and become amazingly colored adults.  We picked up some Crested geckos as a new breeding project for my son.  He is very excited about these cool geckos, and although they are not technically Australian, they do come from New Caledonia, which is just off the coast of Oz.  I will have pictures and a new page up soon to show them off.  Derek produced some nice ones!  Well, I will add more later.  Seems like there is always too little time to spend on the web site, while I spend so much time staring (and drooling) at my animals.  What a great hobby!  GET ADDICTED!

Well, the Utah show was a blast!  It is always nice to hang out with the home crowd.  There are some great local breeders, who are always fun to catch up with and see what they produced.  We even brought home a nice lesser male, an albino male, and a female woma from Josh and Jeremy, so we're excited to integrate the new animals into our projects.   Josh and Jeremy produce some awesome animals.  My son came along for his first reptile show and had a blast.  We paid him with a snake for his help and he picked out a nice mexican black king from Shawn, which has been his huge excitement since the show.  He already has babies sold to his friends at school.  Wish I was as good a salesman as he is.  He is so excited, that I thought I would keep the fire burning and got him some crested geckos to keep in his room to see how he does with those.  It is nice to pass the excitement on to the next generation, especially someone living under the same roof.  My daughters also get pretty excited and they help me a lot with the mouse and roach colonies.  It's great to have such a supportive family that can share in my passion.  My wife also booked me at her scout pack meeting, which was centered around farming, so they decided to have a snake farm as their theme/activity, so I get to bring some of our nice snakes to teach the kids about raising and keeping snakes.  I figure the more kids we can reach, the more ignorance we can dispel, and the more people that will be interested in herpetoculture in the future.  Kids just soak this up, so it should be fun.

Well, our breeding season has apparently kicked off.  Not sure if this is recreational, or if it may be productive, but either way it is a good sign of good things to come.  Can't wait to produce some womas, which should be amazing.  We have also put our amyae pairs together, so we should hopefully see some eggs sometime.  We may have to wait for the spring, as things have started to cool off substantially.  We are getting ready to throw pairs together and, as always, are very excited to kick off the breeding season!  Well, I'll be back later with more updates and pictures of our new acquisitions.  Here is one picture of one of our woma pairs breeding this last week.  More pictures and updates to come.  GET ADDICTED!

woma pair breeding

Sorry for the lack of updates, but things have been a bit busy with getting ready for the Anaheim show, catching up after returning from the show, getting ready for the Utah show, and keeping up with my wife and kids.  The snakes are doing very well, and the weather is finally shaping up for shipping, so we can finally get some animals out that people have been waiting for.  We got some great animals in Anaheim.  Thanks to Roman for some great knobtails, Cathy for some beautiful pure diamond pythons, Jeremy for an amazing female bredli, and Toobz for a great het albino pair.  We also got a very nice albino male ball from Josh and Jeremy on the way home, so it will be nice to finally prove out the poss het albinos without producing poss hets.  We sold more animals than we brought home, so that was nice, and it was great to see some old friends and meet some new ones.   The show was larger than last year with more vendors and more attendees, which is nice to see it growing and improving.  The organizers do a great job with this show, and we will be back again next year.  Now we just need to make it out to Tinley park for the Chicago show.  I took a few pictures on Sunday morning while Ben set up and they can be seen on the NARBC 2007
Visits page.  Also, I have put some pictures of our new banded knob-tail geckos and diamond pythons on the collection page.  They are amazing animals, and we are really happy to be working with them.

 female amyae  male amyae
New female amyae
New male amyae

We are just about out of childrens pythons and only a couple males and a few finicky feeders are left.  We had some nice looking childrens this year, so it is not surprising that they sold quickly.  Our Cape York spotteds are all sold out as well.  We still have some great jungles, although we sold a bunch at the show, and some amazing jaguars and jaguar siblings.  We may also let a couple poss het granite pairs go, but we want to see how they turn out.  Up to this point they are amazing, and are starting to develop some adult coloration.  I have pictured one below so you can see for yourself.   We have a few ball morphs as well, and I put up a couple pictures of the pied male we hatched out this summer and of Nacho, our male bee.  The centralians are coming along as well, but are being a little stubborn in their feeding.  I have included a few pictures below of some of our pythons, including our new female price line bredli that we picked up from Jeremy.  It is so great to be able to work with all these cool pythons and geckos, and we are pretty happy with our collection. 

 PHP  red jag male  poss het granite IJ  het granite  pied  Nacho
Price line bredli female
Holdback male red morph jag
Poss het granite female IJ
Kip, our het granite IJ male
Our little pied male hatchling
Nacho is developing well.

The Utah show is next weekend, which will be nice to see the locals again.  It is a really small show, but hopefully it will continue to grow and expose new people to herpetoculture.  There are some great people that work with reptiles in Utah, which is great for people just starting to be interested in starting out keeping herps.  It'll be great to hang out with them for the weekend.  It should be a fun weekend.

8/12/07:  I updated the available page again, adding our available Childrens pythons and Ball Python Morphs.  More pictures of additional animals will be added as we take them.  We can also make arrangements to deliver any animals to the NARBC show in Anaheim, CA next month, so let us know if you will be attending and if you are interested in anything we have.  We should have a great selection of animals at the show and are very excited for that weekend (Sept 8-9) to get here!  All of the bredli are out and we ended up with only 7 nice bredli.  An additional one hatched with a kink in it's neck, so hopefully he'll be able to feed all right.  If there are any kind-hearted individuals out there who wouldn't mind taking care of this male centralian with a kinked neck, let us know.  It does happen from time to time, but it is a fairly rare event.  Generally, they can live normal lives.  I have even seen some pretty extreme examples.  There was a report in Herpetological Review of a common snapper that had gotten the ring off of a gallon milk jug caught around her middle as a hatchling, and had grown to adulthood with a waist the size of the milk ring.  She had deposited a clutch of eggs just prior to being found.  Nature finds a way to survive.  Anyway, just thought I would throw in this little update while I had a minute or two.  GET ADDICTED!

8/10/07:  Well, first things first: The bredli are hatching!  It is always great to hatch out a new species, and we have been waiting a while to get some of these babies.  They look great, although we didn't get any stripes.  They are all het for stripe, though, so that is an added bonus.  These guys look great!  They were produced by pairing Olga and Gibber together.  We were hoping that maybe Olga would be het for stripe, but it doesn't look like that was the case.  So far, 6 are out and alive, one had complications and died shortly after hatching, and there should be a few more still in the eggs.  This incubation was kind of a disaster, but I am happy that some made it out and are doing well.  I think I ended up with 10 good eggs, so I am hoping to have around 9 baby bredli this season.  What a thrill to hatch a new species out that we haven't hatched before.  The centralian pythons are some of the best pythons out there.  They are big, but not too big, they eat very well and are not picky, they are beautifully patterned and colored, and they are calm and good natured snakes as adults.  What more could you ask for in a snake?  I really enjoy working with them, and this just makes it all the more fun.  They do take a little longer to mature, but it is worth it!  Well, here are some initial pictures of the first ones (hopefully of many more to come).

 What's that?  pip bredli  Another angle of pipage  1st bredli  PHP  bredli out
What's that?
A little closer
Nice nose
First bredli!!
Couple more hatching
Another out of egg.

I also finally had some time to update the jaguar pictures on the available page (at least the ones in my facility, Ben will have to follow suit), which are turning out VERY nicely.  The fun part of this hobby is watching snakes develop from hatching as they develop their adult coloration and to see the tiny little hatchlings grow and develop into a powerful predator.  It has been a blast watching these guys, especially considering they are our first clutch of jags.  These guys have had a great head start and are pounding med rat fuzzies (about the size or bigger than adult mice), so needless to say they are well on their way.  It is interesting to see how they change, which is one fascinating aspect of carpet python development.  I also got pictures of 3 of our 4 holdback jungle jags and couldn't be happier!  They are turning out phenomenal and are feeding well on rat fuzzies.  All the pictures were a day after a nice meal, so they look a bit thick in the middle, but they are just happy feeders.   Here are some pics of the holdback jungle jags I have at my place.  The yellows seem to be coming in a bit with the first female.  It will be nice when the yellows start coming in strong, and I have high expectations for these snakes.

 smoking jungle jag girl  JJ male  red jj female
nice Jungle jag female
red Jungle jag male
red jungle jag female

We are gearing up for the NARBC in Anaheim next month.  It is a great show and we are happy to be vending again this year.  Last year went very well and we were fortunate to meet some great moreliaphiles as well as other herp enthusiasts.  Please stop by and say hello at the show.  We love to meet new people that share our excitement in the hobby.  We will also have some very nice animals to look at and to buy if you are so inclined.  Let us know if there is anything on the available page you would like to buy and we can deliver it to the show, minus shipping costs of course.  It should be a blast, so if you are anywhere close to Southern California on the 8th or 9th of September, you ought to check it out.  We are driving from Utah, so it will be a bit of a road trip, but it is always a good time when we are driving to a herp show.  Hope to see you there.  GET ADDICTED!

7/16/07:  Our pied is out and he is very nice.  He's got a lot of white and a great pattern.  The siblings have bold marker running alongside the belly, which is probably the most bold marker I have seen on poss het pied bellies.  We got 2.1, and will keep the pied and the female poss het.  The parents of these were a poss het pair of pieds that had very bold marker and were produced in our first clutch of het pied to normals, and were were very happy to prove them out as hets, especially when they produce such a nice high white pieds.  Say what you will about pied marker, but it was right on with this pair.  The parents of the clutch were Mister Christian (previously Sister Christian until she turned out to be a male) and Velvet.  Below are pics of the pied and the female sibling.

Male pied '07
New high white male pied
Look at all that white
Great looking little pied
Pied male next to PH female
Poss het (PH) female
Pied marker on the belley of female

The amyae are settling in and are well fed and a bit spoiled.  I can't stop checking on them or just staring at them.  It is so much better to stare at the real thing than just to drool over pictures of someone elses amyae.  These have been on the wish list for quite a while, so it is nice to have them here.  The male is such a great poser, that I keep taking more pictures of him.  Here are a couple more just for the heck of it.  It is nice to have a productive roach colony that produces plenty of food for these guys.  I hope to produce some of these soon.  GET ADDICTED!

amyae male
Amyae male
A little push-up

AAR is pleased to announce the arrival of an adult pair of Centralian Rough Knob-tail geckos (Nephrurus amyae) as a new breeding project.  We are very excited to be working with the king of Aussie geckos.  The pair came from Art Aviles and they should be up to breeding size at the end of this season or the beginning of next season.  I have added an amyae page with pictures and info, and will update it with pictures as events occur.  They are so fascinating and I have to really restrain myself from peeking in on them every spare minute.  Also, one of the pieds siblings is poking it's head out this morning, so hopefully the piebald will be out today.  It looks to be about 95% white, so I am very excited to have this one outside of the egg!  What a great week!  Other than that, everyone is doing great.  We had a little bit of a break in the weather and were able to sneak out a few shipments, which arrived just fine at their respective destinations.  I have added a few pictures, and will continue to add some content to the forum.  Don't be afraid to sign up and contribute.  The forum layout is a bit tedious, but it was free and very simple, so I figured we'd give it a try.  We have a clutch of double het for ghost albino due to hatch in the next couple weeks, so I am very curious to see what will hatch out of those eggs.  Hopefully I will be posting pics of a high white pied and a sunglow (ghost albino) ball python in the next few weeks.  The centralian clutch is cooking alright, although we have lost a few eggs.  Hopefully we'll get some nice baby bredli in another month or so.  Well, that's about it for this entry.  I will throw in a couple of post-shed pics of some pastels that hatched out a couple weeks back.  GET ADDICTED!

One hatchling
Two hatchling, ah ha ha.

7/10/07:  We have added a new forum to allow our visitors to post any questions, pictures (500 KB max) of their Australian reptiles, and general discussion topics and site suggestions.  Hopefully it will be a fun thing for fellow herpophiles to post some good stuff.  I look forward to seeing you on the forums.  I will get some updates up here soon.  I have been a bit busy trying to catch up after all our trips in June and trying to get ready for inspections by the city, which has taken a bit of time away from the website.  The reptiles are doing very well and growing quickly.  We have some fun stuff hatching out, and some amazing animals ready for sale.  I will be updating the Available page soon, so if there is anything you are interested in, watch closely for that update.  It is still a bit hot to ship, with temps in the upper 90's, so we can take deposits on available animals to hold them until the conditions are a bit cooler for shipping.  Here are a few pictures that I recently took to tide you over until I can do a real update.

Nice clutch of pastels (pre-shed)
A spectacular 50% het granite IJ
Nicely striped PXP07 jungle holdback
Another cool banded PXP07 jungle carpet holdback
Stellar red childrens python hatchling
Nice surprise from a poss het pied pari clutch